INX Color Catalog Customer Feedback You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. We'd like to serve you better. Please share your personal experience, feedback, and ideas so we can focus on what matters most… you, the INX Metal Color Catalog User! Email Address First Name Last Name Company Customer Feedback Is there a specific project you used the Catalog for that you'd like to highlight? How did you benefit from using the INX Color Catalog? What is the most significant improvement that has resulted from using the INX Color Catalog? How did INX International contribute to the successful outcome? Is there anything you think INX could do to improve the purchase, registration, and support process? We are looking for a select few users to participate in a case study. Would you be interested? Yes No Can we publish your feedback? Yes No I Agree By checking this box you agree to the Privacy Policy of this website and to receive INX International marketing communications Submit Your Feedback Leave this field blank